Once the return has been created and shipped using the free label provided within our returns portal, you will receive tracking and updates via email. Once received by our warehouse, the refund should be processed within 7-10 business days.
If you purchased using store credit, you will receive a separate email when the store credit has been reinstated.
When did my return arrive?
You can check to see when we received your return using the order lookup link below and entering your order number, billing last name and email. Once you have your order pulled up, complete the following steps to find your return date.
You can check to see when we received your return using the order lookup link below and entering your order number, billing last name and email. Once you have your order pulled up, complete the following steps to find your return date.
1. Click ‘Create A Return’
2. Click 'Past Returns'
3. Click ‘Track My Return’
If there is an issue with your return shipment, please reach out using our site Live Chat or by phone: (800) 323-2668.